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Migration help to Cloud or Data Center

By the end of 2020, experts predict that 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud. However, on-premise Data Center solution is also available if cloud is not an option for you.

Our experts can build a timely path for your company to Cloud or Data Center solutions and at the same time maintain your current solutions with high quality, without interruptions.

Atlassian stopped selling new Server licenses after February 2, 2021. A year later, upgrades and downgrades will become impossible as well and in early 2024, support will end for Server licenses.
For whom:

All Atlassian Server users, users who want to migrate from some other solution and users who want to migrate between Data Center and Cloud

• Assess – Decide if you should move to the Cloud or Data Center
• Plan – When and how you will move to the Cloud or Data Center
• Prep – Get team, data, environment ready to migrate
• Test – Does it work? How does it work?
• Migrate – Data and users are moved to the Cloud or Data Center.
• Launch – You are on the Cloud or Data Center. Retire server.

Duration and price:

Depends on the situation, pricing is based on hourly rate of 80 € (not including VAT).

Decide if you should move to the Cloud or Data Center

We will check all the requirements and necessities of your organization that are critical for a successful migration to Atlassian Cloud. We will audit the use of current Atlassian Marketplace Apps, check their compatibility with Cloud and compare the pricing. We will give you an overview of the potential, conditions and costs for different plans (Standard, Premium or Enterprise). We will assess the level of migration complexity and time expenditure.

When and how you will move to the Cloud or Data Center

We will create a plan and timeline for the upcoming migration. We will focus on technical aspects and questions and choose the best strategy and methodology (XML, JCMA, CCMA). We will compare user management conditions and prepare the migration (we can help start Atlassian Access trial if needed). We will finalize migration dates.

Get team, data, environment ready to migrate

Based on documented estimates and requirements we start with the migration. We will prepare data, users and environment. We will check data storage volumes. We analyze the project architecture in Jira and space architecture in Confluence. We will look at the Apps to assess their compatibility with the new platform and if needed, we come up with an alternative. We confirm and register your Cloud site URL and transfer user accounts. We check the user tiers and anonymous access settings.

Does it work? How does it work?

We back up your data and run a test migration. We migrate data, users and install the plugins. We will check and eliminate possible errors and assess the test-migration result. A documentation about test-migration will be created.

Data and users are moved to the Cloud or Data Center.

We will migrate data and users to new platform. If needed, additional configuration can be done.

You are on the Cloud or Data Center. Retire server.

You are set up for Cloud. If needed, we offer additional trainings about using the new platform.


We will assess the current platform, level of migration complexity and time estimate. We will check all the requirements and necessities of your organization that are critical for a successful migration to Atlassian Data Center. We will audit the use of current Atlassian Marketplace Apps, check their compatibility with Data Center and compare the pricing. We will give you an overview of the potential, conditions and costs of Data Center platform.


According to your organization’s requirements we will choose the best infrastructure architecture. A clustered architecture with load balancer, application nodes and a shared file system enables high-availability performance. A non-clustered (”single node”) architecture is the easiest and fastest way to migrate to Data Center without changing the infrastructure setup. AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure enable migrating your Data Center on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). We will create a migration plan and set the timeline for the upcoming migration process.


Based on the system architecture together with the documented requirements and needs we start with the migration. We prepare the data, users and environments. It is important to involve your technical team when moving to cluster solution. We will check data storage volumes between platforms. We analyze the project architecture in Jira and space architecture in Confluence. We will look at the Apps to assess their compatibility with the new platform and if needed, we come up with an alternative.


We back up your data and run a test migration. We migrate data, users and install the plugins. We will check and eliminate possible errors and assess the test-migration result. A documentation about test-migration will be created.


We will migrate data and users to new platform. If needed, additional configuration can be done.


You are set up for Data Center. If needed, we offer additional trainings about using the new platform.

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